Title: IFA 2020 Story: ReSound / Wessel-Werk Date: 04.09.2020 Location: IFA Berlin, Germany Duration: 12:52 Shotlist 00:00 - Several Impressions ReSound booth and products 01:29 - Hands on "XP-EXT1 headphone" 02:15 - Interview - Marina Teigeler, Director Marketing & Product Management, ReSound 02:18 - Erstmal sind wir jetzt im siebten Jahr hier auf der IFA und jedes Jahr treffen natürlich tolle Journalisten, Endkunden, und stellen das Handwerk der Hörakkustik vor und das ist auch sehr wichtig weil jetzt gerade auch in der Corona Zeit das Thema hören halt super wichtig ist weil man ja eingeschränkt ist mit den Masken, also das ist ein Grund, warum wir auch gesagt haben wir müssen auf jeden Fall Flagge zeigen, vor Ort sein und auch aufklären darüber, ja mit den ganzen Hygienemaßnahmen, die man hier hat, ist das auch gut gelöst also das ist ein Grund. Und natürlich weil wir auch das Hörakustik Handwerk vorstellen wollen, also ist ein sehr toller Beruf, der meines Erachtens nach auch sehr sehr wenig Medienpräsenz hat, so auch über dieses Berufsfeld zu informieren die Öffentlichkeit. Ja und natürlich viele Journalisten zu erreichen, dass die von unserem Produkt berichten. First of all, we are now in our seventh year here at the IFA and every year we meet great journalists, end customers, and present the craft of hearing acoustics and this is also very important because now, especially in the Corona time, the topic of hearing is just super important because you are limited with the masks, so that's one reason why we have also said we must definitely show the flag, be on site and educate about it, yes, with all the hygiene measures that you have here, this is also well solved, so that's one reason. And of course because we also want to introduce the hearing acoustics trade, a very great profession, which in my opinion also has very little media presence, to inform the public about this profession. Yes, and of course to reach a lot of journalists, so that they report about our product. 03:10 - Die Ausstellung sind ein bisschen weiter auseinander, es ist nicht so viel Publikumsverkehr wie sonst, wir benutzen das aber sehr positiv weil wir natürlich jetzt mehr Zeit auch haben, da mit jeden einzelnen Journalisten über unsere Produkte zu sprechen. Das ist sehr angenehm. Sonst ist das ja immer schon sehr voll, und das konnten wir dieses Jahr ein bisschen besser organisieren, also es läuft alles sehr gesittet, organisiert ab und ja, das ist auch mal ganz angenehm so eine Messe. The exhibitors are a bit further apart, there is not as much traffic as usual, but we use this very positively because we have more time to talk to every single journalist about our products. That is very pleasant. Otherwise, the exhibition is always very full, and this year we were able to organize it a bit better, so everything is very well organized and yes, it's a very pleasant exhibition. 03:36 - Das ist das neue Resound one, das erste Hörgerät was auch ein Mikrofon im Ohr hat, das ist jetzt einzigartig und neu; normalerweise gibt es aktuell auf dem Markt hinter dem Ohr Hörgeräte, wo die Mikrofone quasi hinter dem Ohr sind, und im Ohr Hörgeräte, die halt komplett im Ohr sind. Und der Vorteil von dieser Marie Lösung - so heißt die, ist halt das ist quasi, dass es die die eigene Ohr Anatomie ausnutzt, dass die, also ich sag mal, man hat kleine / große Ohren, die sind alle unterschiedlich, und ja das ist halt neu weil die HDO Geräte oder die „Hinter dem Ohr Hörgeräte“ haben sozusagen das Ohr eher nachgebildet. Und das kommt dem natürlichen hören am nächsten. This is the new Resound one, the first hearing aid that also has a microphone in the ear, which is now unique and new; normally, there are hearing aids on the market today that have the microphones behind the ear and hearing aids that are completely in the ear. And the advantage of this Marie solution - that's the name, it's just that it takes advantage of your own ear anatomy, that the, I say, you have small/large ears, they are all different, and yes that's just new because the HDO devices or the "Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aids" are more like replicas of the ear. And that comes closest to natural hearing. 04:23 - Künstliche Intelligenz steht natürlich im Vordergrund im Bereich der Entwicklung. Wir haben ein Forschungszentrum in den Niederlanden, und gerade das Thema Sprachemotions- Erkennung ist ein sehr wichtiges Thema das man zum Beispiel anhand der Sprache erkennen kann, ob jemand Corona hat. Solche Entwicklungen, an denen wird gearbeitet. Artificial intelligence is of course at the forefront of development. We have a research center in the Netherlands, and especially the topic of speech-emotion recognition is a very important topic that can be used, for example, to determine whether someone has corona. Such developments are being worked on. 04:43 - M&RIE Animation 06:40 - Several impressions of Wessel-Werk booth and products 07:47 - Interview with Marcus Cleff, Managing Director, Wessel-Werk 07:50 - IFA is a perfect platform for presenting our products, meeting our costumers and showing the new innovations we just made to end customers and to our direct costumers globally. I think the IFA is a very perfect Platform to reach several and lots of customers. 08:10 - It is always different if you have a personal contact to people. It is always very important. For us, focus on sales, the personal contact is much more interesting than the online content. On the other side the online content we have improved the last couple of month massively, we used teams, we used global nets, lots of meeting platforms, but this is not replacing the perfect personal relationship. 08:36 - The product range ist somehow changing. We see global markets are changing, we see supply changes changing, so it's difficult something to gets products or pre products for our assemblies, but we also see that our premium products are somehow running on a very good level, some products are not running at all, and other ones are just somehow exploding. So the market ist completely different than one year ago. 09:00 - Interview with Wolfgang Geurden, Director Marketing & Sales, Wessel-Werk 09:03 - We have this year a new brand innovation what we are going to launch in the market that is new battery powered stick cleaner system which goes to different vacuum cleaner the sizes and types so which is developed in a lot of different ways in the performance in USB so that mean a lot of benefits we can show you and it is unique and is a little bit coffering some weakness from vacuum cleaners what we see on nowerdays and our philosphy is to make reliable and good working machines and that's what you would like to show you. 09:44 - Especially at the IFA, you know, its very special this year, we think that its still for us a good opportunity, because people like it, whenever we show the product people are fascinated and amazed. You see, we want to have this, if you want to have this and that is why we are saying that is a good point for showing it and to go forward and introduce it in the market through different channels. 10:05 - When you stay at home you want to have it clean, you want to make it not so roughly and you feel the weakness of the product what you currently use and that is why you are saying OK, let us make it simple to simplify the process and to wonder why you can improve it and you have more time to investigate what is your ideal vacuum cleaner and that is what we are thinking is a good platform for everbody, because when you have still your vacuum cleaner at home, you can add on this system so you can reinforce, you can improve your vacuum cleaner, dont throw it away, you know, there is obsolete materials, no, we want to continue also in sustainability, you know, everybody is looking for environment-things, and we could be partner with people that say "ok, why not use this in this purpose". 10:55 - We also have a special aftermarket-program, you know, we at WESSEL were this year also awarded because of that, that means we have a new accessory-kit which is called hygienic-kit so that means we have a really simple looking floor-nozzle wich is reinforced by massive iron, that is very, from a hygieniv perspective, because people at home, they are a little bit scared, and we have a nice package developed, wich we also bring into the market, which you can put onto the cordless vacuum cleaner, we have some adapting system integrated, included in the package, ans also with some travel-tools, upholstery-tools, so a package where you say "OK, this product" - because you have it in your hand, and you pick it up, and this is something, from this perspective something also good. 11:40 - people want to have a hygienic area, they treat it, they clean the surface and we have made a new aftermarket-kit, which is a antimicrobal, reinforced package of a traditional floorhead togther with some small accessories and an adapting-system, so that you can use this system for almost all vacuum cleaners. So that means, you know, all the vacuum cleaners are sealed, so you have all these antimicrobal seals on the vacuum cleaners, like heaper-filtration, but you have the nice situation where you clean it, where you pick up all the dirt, and all the microbes, are still in the head of your vacuum cleaner and this package is so, that the treatment stop the duplication of the microbes, so that is proven by laboratories, official laboratories and that is something where you see that, the floor, does not get dirt, it is kept clean, so that is nice, and that we offer now in the market, and that is somethin which is in the days we are living in nowadays, a good thing that you cn do by yourself at home. 12:52 - END